Starbucks to Start Serving General Sixx's Logs?

While the battle for delivery rights to General Andy Sixx's creamy logs pushes on, a new opportunity for General Sixx's creamy steamy love loafs presented itself before the BVB Army's business council earlier today. Executives from Starbucks proposed serving coffee-based drinks containing traces of General Sixx's diareahy goodness at it shops. If approved by General Sixx, special BVB Army themed drinks called Logttes (pronounced log-tays) could be served at Starbucks locations all over the world.

"We are hopeful that General Sixx will consider this very promising business opportunity," said a spokesperson for the Starbucks corporation. "General Sixx's logs are loved by millions across the world, so why not bring the joy and creaminess of his logs to those getting their routine coffee every morning?"

General Sixx, on the contrary, appeared more reserved about the BVB Army doing business with Starbucks. In an official statement provided to the BVB Army, General Sixx stated that:

"I'm all for providing my logs to millions of people including those on their morning coffee runs, however, I will have to see if such a move will be right not only for Starbucks and its customer base, but for the BVB Army as well. Starbucks is considered by many as a luxury commodity whereas my logs are provided to millions of people out of charity and their unalienable rights to my logs."

No matter what happens in the end, we can always count of General Sixx to act in our best interest when it comes to slidding one of those creamy, steamy, dreamy logs of fucking shit down our scrawny little fucking throats.


  1. Based logposter, please join your fellow loggers in our discord:
    We have been searching for you.
    -Captain Shitswallow


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