What the Kim-Trump Meeting Might Mean for the Black Veil Brides Army

We all know that history is being made when the leaders of two countries that point nuclear weapons at each other shake hands for the first time. But what exactly does this mean for the BVB Army? Opportunity.

As millions of Korean people in the North starve, their children are also deprived of something extremely vital for their nourishment and growth: General Andy Sixx's warm log of shit. With the two leaders of the two powerful countries in talks to enter into a peace process, now can begin the BVB Army's humanitarian mission to the children of North Korea to clog their throat's with our commander's delicious creamy logs of shit.

"This is a very exciting time for the BVB Army," General Sixx said in a press conference in response to the Kim-Trump meeting. "For years, the DPRK has sanctioned my creamy logs from slidding down the fucking throats of their children. That's about to change with the new peace process in motion."

The BVB Army's humanitarian wing, the Suck A Log Foundation, has tried countless times to deliver General Sixx's creamy logs to the children of North Korea; however, with no official support from the US government, or any other government for that matter, to sponsor the humanitarian delivery. In fact, the Suck A Log Foundation's Director, Major General Ashley Purdy, has also issued a statement in regards to the new peace process between the U.S. and the DPRK:

"The Suck A Log Foundation has tried many times but failed to deliver the logs of our commander to the unclogged throats of the North Korean children. I'm confident that things will change from this point forwards and ensure that no throat of any North Korean child remains unclogged."

Although the conference has some people optimistic, the BVB Army's Chief of North Korean Interests is not so optimistic about the summit between Kim and Trump. Lieutenant Colonel John "Log-Sucker" Jones, who has held his office as charge d'affairs for North Korean Interests since 2016, told reporters that:

"I have a feeling that Trump and Kim are just preaching politics. They're giving the public a run for their money and a show for them to watch. I doubt any peace process will undergo between America and North Korea, but more sadly than that: the children of the DPRK will remain starving with their throats unclogged with Andy's creamy steamy dreamy log."

The BVB Army will continue to monitor the diplomatic situation between the U.S. and the DPRK. Until then, the children of North Korea will just have to wait a little longer for General Sixx's steamy logs to slidd down their fucking throats.


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