General Sixx Rejects Creaminess Cuts for Next Fiscal Year

After a lengthy research program into General Sixx's sweet warm and creamy logs concluded with the recommendation from the BVB Army Institute of Shitlog Research and Science to decrease the creaminess of the logs for the next fiscal year.

"We've come to the conclusion that in order for us to optimize the output created by our dear commander, he must decrease the creaminess of his logs by at least 20%," said Dr. Rupert Shitswallow Jr, PhD and chief procurement examiner for General Sixx's logs.

Although General Sixx declined comment directly to the news, his press secretary did release the statement saying that:

"The whole reason why people are attracted to General Sixx's logs is because they are creamy. Decreasing that would be a huge act of unfaithfulness to the consumers as well as to all the soldiers of the BVB Army, and the Institute's recommendation is therefore rejected by the committee."

Leave it to Andy Sixx to ensure that only the creamiest logs slidd down our fucking throats. Another day, another victory. Great job, General Sixx!


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